Friday, May 27, 2016

©Ali Moffitt

Collings Foundation Wings of Freedom Tour June 16 - June 19

The Collings Foundation Wings of Freedom Tour will be making their third stop at the
Everybody is welcome!

©Ali Moffitt
Over Sixty years ago they flew from bases far from home, over occupied and enemy territory in an attempt to weaken the forces of evil so that freedom could once again return to the people who it was stolen from. Their endurance was tested on missions of ten or more hours, day after day; their strength was proven as they returned countless crews safely back to their bases. Crews counted on them and a bond was made between man and machine...
... Now they fly on missions that are quite different than those of so long ago. Their mission for today is to educate the world about our courageous World War II veterans and to remember those who have left us. These aircraft stand as tributes to their crews and fly on as living history to enlighten future generations.

The best way to relive this history is to take a once-in-a-lifetime flight on board the B-17, B-24 & P-51. The Collings Foundation is proud to offer our Flight Experiences on our Wings of Freedom Tour in over 110 cities annually.

Imagine yourself soaring on board the flagships of the USAAF Strategic Bombing fleet of WWII. Take your position in the crew and experience a taste of what it may have been like in WWII. Sit as bombardier, stand as waist gunner, monitor flight activity as a flight engineer would as you observe the pilots flying the mighty bombers. You can wander through the plane as you like.

Every flight helps to defray maintenance and operations costs for the aircraft that have reached over $4000 per operating hour per aircraft. Maintained to the highest standards and flown by highly experienced pilots, our aircraft safety standards are second to none.
A Flight Experience is an exciting and historic opportunity. The B-17, B-24 and B-25 have been known worldwide as the backbones of Allied air power of WWII and now is your chance to fly aboard!

Walk-through tours are available on the following dates & times at the

6/16/2016 - 2:00 PM till 5:00 PM
6/17/2016 - 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM
6/18/2016 - 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM
6/19/2016 - 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM

Admission for the walk-through tours is $12 Adults / $6 Children 12 and under.

You can also take a flight on one of these historic aircraft!

Flights take place before and after tours.
30-minute flight on the B-17 or B-24
$450 per person
30-minute flight training on the P-51C
60-minute flight training on the P-51C
30-minute B-25 flight
$400 per person.

For more information visit: 
or Minden-Tahoe Airport 775-782-9871